Thursday, October 29, 2009

My First Hard News Story!

So for the past week, I have been working on my first hard news story! Being a journalist was one of my career plans when I was younger so this is an extremely rewarding experience for me. I always thought writing a news story was just a way to share your writing with other people but I did not know it encompassed more than that. Until I actually received my news assignment, I forgot a crucial part to news writing, SOURCES! The story I am writing focuses on student involvement in academic committees: what the committees are, how many students are involved, why student involvement is important, etc. The hard news copy editor for the New Paltz Oracle, Julie Mansmann, suggested I interview the Vice-President of Academic Affairs and Governance, two students who are part of the academic committees and a professor involved in faculty governance. After a few frustrating moments battling against time constraints, I was finally able to get in contact with my sources and interview them. I prefer in-person interviews but one of my sources preferred an e-mail interview; I found this interesting.
All in all, this was a great experience and a great way to meet so many interesting people. It helped me exercise my interviewing demeanor, professionalism and public speaking skills. I love meeting people and it is a shame we pass by so many unfamiliar faces each day. It actually gives me an idea for the New Paltz Oracle. I think it would be a great idea to include a column in the newspaper about the faces of SUNY New Paltz. It would be a great way for students and staff and faculty members to feel more in touch with the school and to realize how many different and interesting people we have on campus.
So look out for my news story which will probably be out next Thursday, Nov. 5! And I will keep everyone updated about the idea I am going to pitch to the Oracle.

P.S. Always make sure you are dressed for the occasion. For an interview with one of my sources today, I quickly changed out of sweatpants into a white summer dress with a long grey cardigan that I belted at the waist with a skinny blue belt. What you are wearing nonverbally communicates a lot to the people you are interacting with. You don't want to give them the wrong impression!

Monday, October 19, 2009

I Never Thought I Would Have a Blog

I must admit, I've had my fair share of having a xanga and a facebook but I never thought I would have a blog. I find it hard to believe that someone would actually want to read my blog posts; it's hard enough to get people to listen to each other speak in face-to-face interactions. However, I realized the importance of having a blog in my Intro. to Public Relations and Journalism I classes. With the focus of media transferring from hard copies to easily-accessible internet media, it's not surprising my professors encouraged us to to set up a blog. The glory of the internet is that is it filled with tons of information that can be accessed by anyone who can get their hands a computer and now, even a cellphone with internet connection. It's a good way to advertise myself when I finally take the leap into the "real world." Working on this blog will have to be added to my to-do list. That's all for now.

Toodles. :)

P.S. Don't forget to smile today. Studies have shown that the movement of facial muscles involved in a smile can actually cause the person to feel happy.